The EMPowered™ Motorized Smart Keypad Lock – Works with Yale Access App is a sleek and modern smart deadbolt which features a backlit touchscreen keypad so even when you don’t have your phone, you can unlock your door by entering your 4-8 digit entry code on the keypad. Lock the door behind you by simply tapping the keypad. Personalize your lock to work the way you want:
The Yale Access App offers you trusted everyday convenience and security for your entire home, through smart security products and the easy to use Yale Access app.
Available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
EMPowered™ Electronic Lock FAQs
2 Years on Electronic, 5 years on Brass Finishes, Limited Lifetime on Mechanical.
Yes, split finish is available on this item.
The face plate will match the EMPowered™ finish and are square cornered ONLY.
The EMPowered™ latch is a special mechanical latch that is tapered to account for misaligned doors. The bolts for US15 and US26 are Silver while the bolts for US10B and US19 are Brass.
DoorSense instructions are included in the Yale Access App installation setup and in your EMPowered package. DoorSense comes complete with the housing, cover, mounting tape, and mounting screws. This can be affixed to the door permanently with mounting screws, or with Mounting Tape. It should be mounted within 1.5 inches from the edge of your door frame, and should align with the lock’s Yale Access module horizontally.
Yes, all you would need to do is purchase our Works with Yale Access Smart Kit separately and install. em# SMARTMODULE-YA
Yes, EMPowered™ comes standard with a Baden Grip, but you can change to any other sectional grip and thumbpress style.
Yes, that is true – these sets are specially designed to include keyless access for, not only entering the home, but keeping track of who comes and goes via the Yale Access app.
For the DEADBOLT ONLY - Yes, it will fit this full range right out of the box. (E0101 & E1101) For the Keypad Entry Handlesets – please always specify if door thickness is above 1 ¾” thick door so screws and hardware of the proper length are sent for installation. (E0103 & E1103)
Weather stripping does not diminish the ability to install or use the lock. However, the installer will need to install the deadbolt AND the lever latch & strike so that the deadbolt moves freely. In other words, the lever latch holds the door in the correct position, so the deadbolt can operate freely. To achieve this, the installer may need to adjust the lever latch strike. He can loosen the lever latch strike screws and move the strike left-right. He can also bend the tab on the strike.
There is one (and only 1) master PIN code allotted during the setup of the Motorized Touchscreen Keypad Lock. There is one original digital key available in the app. On the EMPowered Smart with Yale Access Lockset, there is no limit to the number of users that can be set up as an “OWNER”. Just keep in mind that if additional users with “owner” level permissions also have the app, they have the ability to adjust all settings (including but not limited to adding and deleting new user codes, and adjusting all optional lock settings).
No--unfortunately, our new motorized version and smart version are not compatible with Z-wave technology at this time.
Yes, it has been tested for extreme high and low temperatures, see below:
Each individual EMPowered™ lockset will need to have its own bridge. 3 locks = 3 bridges.
Very minimal - Empowered™ uses less WiFi data than email.
Yes, EMPowered™ with Yale Access (smart lock version) is a Bluetooth lock. The Yale Access hub “bridges” your Bluetooth lock to your home WiFi network.
The 9V battery will not “connect” to the bottom of the keypad – you just hold it in place to make contact. The connection is meant to be momentary, in case the owner accidently lets the batteries run completely down – and this is to be used as a “jump start” to let you enter a code to gain entry to the home. Please note: both the lock and the app give many warnings as the batteries get low. There is no need to worry about the 9V battery polarity. The lock will work fine regardless of which way you hold the 9V battery.
The max recommended distance is 10-15 feet.
The Empowered product is still available to purchase for use outside of Canada and the US. However, no Empowered SMART locks are available for use outside of Canada and the US, including all EMPowered upgrades, due to there no longer being an active app for use outside of the US and Canada.
Effective immediately (as of May 2023), the sale of the Empowered SMART (with Yale Access) Lock and our EMPowered upgrades will be exclusive to use in Canada and the US only.
For Empowered SMART lock/ EMPowered upgrade purchased and registered BEFORE May 15th:
For those products in use outside of Canada/US, the Empowered lock will function as normal, however the Yale App will need to be replaced by the August App.
Empowered SMART lock/ EMPowered upgrade purchased and/or registered AFTER May 15th:
For these products in use outside Canada and US there is no longer an app for the Yale Access features. The lock WILL still work as a keyless lock, without the use of the app or any of the app features.
Credit request to refund the price difference between Empowered and Empowered SMART lock and use the lock without the app features.
RGA for return and full credit, no restock fees apply and return freight covered by EMTEK.
Credit request to refund the price difference between Single cylinder and EMPowered upgrade, using the cylinder and key to access entry.
RGA for return and full credit, no restock fees apply and return freight covered by EMTEK.