Shown: Emtek Tuscany Bronze Paper Holder Spring Rod Style #11 Rosette Flat Black Bronze FB
Tuscany Bronze Spring Rod Paper Holder
- Sold as complete set. Includes screws
- For pricing information, contact any EMTEK® dealer
European Traditions
Capture your own piece of the Italian countryside with Tuscany Bronze-inspired, Lost Wax designs!
Rooted in an ancient practice in which a bronze sculpture is cast from a wax model. The wax model is dipped in a slurry of silica, then more ceramic material is added, creating thick walls around the template.
At this point, the wax is melted out of the ceramic and you are left with an empty ceramic mold. Molten bronze is then poured into the ceramic mold, creating a bronze reproduction of the original wax model.
Why Emtek Bath Hardware?
Just like Emtek's door options, our bath hardware program allow you to mix both styles and finishes to create a look all your own. Because our towel bars, paper holders, and robe hooks utilize the same rosette styles as our passage/privacy knob and leversets, you can carry the same theme from your doors into your bathroom essentials.
Finish matching within a space is also straight-forward, with all our brass or bronze options and our cabinet knobs and pulls. Emtek's bath hardware a subtle way to maintain style continuity through your space.
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"description": "<li>Sold as complete set. Includes screws</li>\n<li>For pricing information, contact any EMTEK® dealer</li>\n",
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